Last Updated: 2024

Terms of Service

1. Definitions

  • Consumer: Any individual using our services for non-business purposes.
  • Our Website: All hardware and software supporting Brinsol's online presence.
  • Services: Offered products and support available on our website.
  • Content: Material published on our website by us or third parties.
  • Material: Content posted by users on our website.

2. Our Contract With You

  • Your order is confirmed by e-mail, marking the contract.
  • We may refund if a paid service becomes unavailable.
  • Terms may change, applicable terms are those on the order day.
  • Non-website purchases still adhere to these terms.
  • Refunds processed within 7 days of a valid claim.

3. Your Account With Us

  • Provide accurate and complete information.
  • Maintain account confidentiality.
  • unauthorized

4. Price, Payment, and Service Provision

  • Prices may change, service withheld until confirmation.
  • Monthly charges deducted from provided payment method.
  • Services may be delivered via email or downloads.
  • 30-day cancellation notice, payment until notice period ends.
  • Changes to services notified; termination is an option.

5. Our Action-based Guarantee

  • Guarantees signing five clients within 3 months under specific conditions.
  • Refund available if criteria met; access terminates on refund.
  • Failure to reach criteria requires evidence submission.

6. Cancellation of Order

  • 14-day money-back policy for digital products.
  • Refund eligible if under 15% of the course is accessed.
  • Guarantee participation overrides standard refund terms.

7. Foreign Taxes, Duties, and Import Restrictions

  • Purchaser responsibility for lawful import and associated duties.
  • Brinsol unaware of foreign laws; purchasers must comply.

8. Dissatisfaction with the Services

  • Contact us promptly with concerns; details required for resolution.

9. Disclaimers

  • Continuous improvements may occur; inaccuracies possible.
  • No implied warranties; external links not our responsibility.
  • Limited liability for special, indirect, or consequential losses.

10. Your Material

  • Users posting material grant us rights for use; copyright ownership warranted.

11. System Security

  • Users agree not to violate website security; unlawful actions may lead to prosecution.

12. Acceptable Use Policy

  • Users agree not to post specific content types; spamming prohibited.

13. Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Rights

  • Users agree to keep confidential information safe.
  • Brinsol defends intellectual property rights; users limited in use.

14. Your Email Address

  • Users ensure email/username legality; indemnify for misuse.

15. Indemnity

  • Users indemnify Brinsol against third-party claims related to their use.

16. Miscellaneous Provisions

  • Email communications are binding; free services carry no obligation.
  • No third-party benefits; void terms adjusted; no waiver.
  • Disputes mediated before arbitration/litigation.
  • Not liable for breaches beyond reasonable control.
  • Governed by UK law; UN Convention on Contracts excluded.
I acknowledge that I have read and understood Brinsol's terms and conditions, and I agree to their inclusion in our contract.
Last Updated: 2024